I have attached a bunch of pictures because they are all absolutely beautiful. This ring means so much to me. I am a mama of 2 and I exclusively pumped for 13 months with each. With my recent daughter I was able to donate 11k ounces of milk to local babies in need. I am also working towards becoming a CLC/IBCLC to help better educate myself and others on breastfeeding and pumping. I will be certified in May and will begin working with mamas who need support. My passion grew so much with my 2nd child. The lack of support for pumping mothers was crazy to me. The amount of people who said “why bother, just use formula” the lactation consultants who shamed me for not feeding directly from the breast, I want to change that. I want to normalize breastfeeding in every way that looks like including pumping and donor milk. This ring symbolizes so much more than just giving my kids breastmilk. It’s a passion with a purpose that looks beautiful wrapped up rose gold sparkle!
-- Brianna Stone


In Photo: Garden Bliss Ring

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